I finished the Wavy Brown Socks yesterday. They are my new favorites, but I say that about every new pair of socks. But they are brown. and cabley. and soft.
I'm trying to complete a pair of socks every 2 months this year. 3 pair for me, 3 pair for the husband. Not counting all the other things I would like to knit this year: a sweater vest for Jimmy, a couple more shawls, a bag (fair isle) and a couple of sweaters for me. That may not seem like much of a list to some folks. But I' m not one of those people who can knock out a sweater in two weeks!

Wavy Socks by Amy King (from The Book of Yarn, by Clara Parkes)
Yarn: Knit Picks Stroll Kettle Dyed in Timber colorway
Needles: Boye DPNs US 1
Start to Finish: January 9 - February 28
Mods: I opted for my standard heel flap heel, instead of a short row heel. I like me a good heel flap. This is a well-written pattern. And a very straightforward knit. You cable on rows 3 and 9, and the rest of the time it's stockinette. I'm surprised more people haven't knit these socks (only 14 projects on Ravelry). They look great and the cables make for a nice, leg-hugging sock. And the KnitPicks yarn is very soft and smooth.
Now, to cast on for another pair of socks!